The club understands that some of its members either may or do participate in social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn) and chat rooms, and create and maintain personal websites, including blogs. The Club respects the online activity of its members. It asks only that they be aware that these activities can affect the Club because the online words, images, posts, and comments of members can reflect upon or be attributed to the Club. Club members should take care to use electronic media responsibly and, in a manner respectful of others. Further, it is not appropriate for members to post on any public or private website or other forum, such as blogs, chat rooms, discussion sites, information-sharing sites, social media sites, or social or business-networked sites like LinkedIn or Facebook, or telephone-based group communications like Twitter, any of the following:
- Any disparaging information about the Club or anything that might harm its goodwill or reputation.
- Any disparaging discriminatory, or harassing information about any member, employee, vendor, or other person associated with the Club.
- Any confidential or proprietary information related to finances, members operational plans, policies, or methods.
- Any private information about a member, employee, or vendor of the Club.
- Any discussions, decisions, or events that take place within the Club should remain confidential. Sharing sensitive information outside the Club can harm our collective reputation and trust in fellow members.
- Respect for Privacy. Members are requested to respect each other's privacy both within and outside the Club premises. Personal information shared within the Club should not be disclosed without express consent from the individual(s) concerned.
- Please refrain from posting about Club activities, members, or other Club-related matters on social media or public forums. If you have concerns or suggestions, please address them through appropriate channels at the Club.
- Any disputes or disagreements should be handled discreetly and respectfully. Engaging in gossip or spreading rumors can damage the harmony and unity of our Club.
- Always represent the Pittsburgh Field Club with integrity and honor. Whether attending events or interacting with the public, please remember that your actions reflect on our entire community.
- The Field Club’s grounds and facilities are for Club members and their guests only. Invitations to the public should not be issued unless expressly approved by the Board of Directors.